Coastal Street Medicine

Street Medicine is open to all in need of basic health care, support and referrals on Wednesdays, 9am to 11:30am, at the Hospitality Center, 101 N. Franklin Street, Fort Bragg. 

The intent of this weekly program is to help homeless people overcome the barriers that make it difficult to access health care resources and services. Anyone who is homeless or is threatened by homelessness is welcome to use our services. The Street Medicine team screens individuals for medical and mental health issues and provides health education that will help the person maintain their health and hopefully reduce emergency room visits. The health screenings also help individuals get connected or re-connected with primary care providers. In addition, staff performs basic health procedures like taking blood pressure and other vitals, performing wound care, and providing follow up from emergency room visits.

Thanks to the generosity of many local residents and businesses, a supply of socks, toothpaste and toothbrushes, combs, soap and other sundry items are available and handed out to those in need. Donations of toiletry items, wool socks, wool sweaters and hats and rain gear are always welcome. Click here to see our complete Wish List.

Since we started in 2018 we estimate that we are seeing 56% of the homeless population on the coast. But Mendocino County has the highest per capita rate of homelessness in the country, so we need to do so much more. In August 2020 we hired a case manager to work directly with patients of Street Medicine. Future plans include recruiting additional medical providers who can provide "backpack" medicine; possibly adding one additional location in Fort Bragg to provide this service; and working with other community members and government agencies to address the shelter and housing issues in our community.

For more information about the Coastal Street Medicine program, please contact Cathy Perkins (Coordinator) at You can also follow us on Facebook!

To learn more about Street Medicine, please view the slide show below.

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